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Forest. Planet. Together.

MyForest community forests (Közösségi Erdőkért Alapítvány, 14.Pk.60.503/2019/2.) is an
initiative that strives to establish a platform first in Hungary, and then on international levels, in order to double the number of forests on Earth.


The number of forests on the planet shall be doubled as one of the main reasons for global warming is that two-thirds of the forests have disappeared since the industrial revolution. The remaining one third can no longer bind the amount of CO2 emitted by human activities, leading to global warming and ultimately to the extinction of human civilization.

MyForest acts as a connecting platform bringing together
 - ordinary citizens who are concerned about the climate and intend to contribute to the common goal by planting trees; 
- businesses that participate in planting the forests; 
- landowners who contribute to the project by offering their lands; i. e. by providing their lands for afforestation; and
- businesses that want to plant trees for their customers.

Trees protect us so we shall protect them!
Join us to have a tree, join us to have a forest!

Bemutatkozás: Quote

Our Goal

To stop global warming by doubling the number of forests on the planet


For every soul on Earth approx. 200 trees should be planted in order to double the current size of forests and thus to regain at least two-thirds of the woodlands of the 18-19th centuries.
The land currently covered by forest is roughly one third of that era. 


Because forests (trees) absorb and bind CO2 from the air, the gas which causes global warming.




Our forests currently reduced to one third of the size compared to that of 200 years ago, i. e. the state before the industrial revolution, can no longer absorb the amount of CO2 emitted by mankind.
However, if we double their size, they can bind double the amount of CO2 which would lead to a reduced CO2 concentration, enabling us to reverse the threatening processes of today.

Bemutatkozás: Features
Bemutatkozás: Team Members

The Team

We are driven by personal motivations considering environmental protection and the deceleration of global warming vital.
We saw neither top-down, nor lateral initiatives tackling the issue and got to the point where we felt that likes and words were not enough. It was then that we started to think about the possibilities of the individual. We want to be able to play with our grandchildren in decent circumstances.
Since this project came to life, all of us have been working on it besides our everyday duties.

How can you join us?

Bemutatkozás: What We Do

As a land owner

You can offer your land for afforestation; currently we accept free offers. 
We are working on the legal ways to lease the land offered. In this case you commit to leasing us your land – you receive the money you would get by selling the parcel, more or less, while still remaining the owner of it. 

As a student

Plant a tree as an adopter, or plant your own seedlings with friends. This way your class will have its own forest, which creates a life-long connection.

As an individual

  • You can finance the planting and nurturing of trees, thus becoming an adopter.

  • You can join our team as a volunteer, participating in the planting and other activities.

As a business

  • Plant a tree for you customers tied to your service or product.

  • Organize a team-building event at your workplace - have your own tree or forest.

  • Join planting and managing forests. In this case you commit to afforesting an area rented by MyForest and also to looking after that forest. We calculate the costs of this activity to make it worthwhile for your just as if you grew corn or wheat.


Bemutatkozás: Projektek

Next Project

4.77 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2024

seedling planting supported



Next Project

4.77 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2024

seedling planting supported


Actual - Funded

Kerekharaszt 3.

2.7 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2023 - spring 2024

seedling planting supported


Actual - Funded

Ják 3.

5 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2023


seedling planting supported

Actual - Funded

Ják 2.

4 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2023


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Ják 1.

2.29 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting time: autumn 2023


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Szarvasgede 4

4,75 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting date: autumn 2022


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Kerekharaszt 2.

2,28 hectare


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Expected planting date: autumn 2022 - spring 2023


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Szarvasgede 3.

2,31 ha.


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Date of planting: autumn 2021 - autumn 2022


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Erzsébet village, Baranya county, Hungary,

1,74 hectare

hrsz.: 041/16.


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Date of planting: autumn 2021


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Erzsébet village, Baranya county, Hungary,

2 hectare

hrsz.: 041/16.


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Date of planting: autumn 2021


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Erzsébet village, Baranya county, Hungary,

1 hectare

hrsz.: 041/16.


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Date of planting: autumn 2021


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Csécse village, Hungary, outskirts

2.08 ha

Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Plantation date: autumn 2021.


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Szarvasgede village, Hungary, outskirts

1 ha


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest


Date of planting: November, 2019



seedling planting is already supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Szarvasgede village, Hungary, outskirts

1.22 ha


Plantation of oak, mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest 

Date of planting: March, 2020


seedling planting supported

Completed afforestation - Funded

Kerekharaszt village, Hungary, outskirts

1,335 ha


Planting of mixed hardwood and wild fruit forest

Date of planting: March 2020,


seedling planting supported

 Tree adoption 
Fa örökbefogadás

The cost of trees was calculated in the following way, using the items below:

  • cost of the land (purchasing/leasing the land);

  • land works: clearing the land from overgrown bush, plowing;

  • temporary fencing (to protect the land and the saplings);

  • cost of the saplings, transportation and planting;

  • everyone works as a volunteer in the foundation, however, the contributions should cover the operating costs of the organisation


The amount needed to plant one tree: 750 HUF.

Calculate like this: each acre is planted with approx. 10.000 saplings/seedlings. In 40 years, around 1.000 of them will survive and be part of the forest. So, if you donate 10 saplings, you will surely have one tree in the forest in 40 years. Still, donating less than 10 trees has its significance too, as you will be part of the afforesting community.

In addition, every forest has its maintenance cost for the first 10 years (cutting twigs, picking dying seedlings, pest control, replenishment of trees)


Közösségi Erdőkért Alapítvány guarantees every supporter the followings for their contribution:


  1. Every person, even by financing only one tree in any MyForest forest will become the ‘owner’* of all MyForest forests. Thus they are entitled to visit any forest with families, friends, spend time there, organize programs, etc. This does not mean, however, that others are not allowed to visit these forests; indeed, we encourage everyone who loves nature and the woods to do so.

  2. ‘What will happen to the trees?’ people ask.

    • We establish so-called permanent forests on the lands offered, that is, the trees there are not supposed to be felled. The trees are a property of no-one, the only owner of these woods is the planet Earth, with all the living creatures on it. 

    • We take care of these forest for 10 years; after this period their future will be in nature’s hands; the foundation will continue to do everything in its power, including the necessary maintenance works.


You can support us via wire transfer by clicking on any of the packages. If you don’t receive a confirmation of the transfer after 2 workdays, please contact us at:

* the word ‘owner’ is used in quotation marks because it does not refer to real property. The right of possession established by the funds is symbolic.


1 sapling

750 HUF

Every planted sapling is important in the future forest to come to life.

10 saplings

7 500 HUF

Ten saplings will definitely yield one grown up tree. 
Even one tree produces 116 kilograms of oxygen per year which is enough for two persons in a year.

100 saplings

75 000 HUF

100 saplings will definitely yield 10 grown up trees.
10 trees can convert 10 tons of carbon-dioxide into oxygen during their lifetime.

1 000 saplings

750 000 HUF

1000 saplings will definitely yield 100 grown up trees.
100 trees can bind more than the yearly CO2 emission of three cars.

Bemutatkozás: Price List

Key supporters:

Fő támogatóink
Bemutatkozás: Contact
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